
Tuesday, 23 July 2019

Instructional writing


Three teaspoons of milo,

two teaspoons of sugar, 

add half a cup of fresh milk,

Some hot water,

A cup.

Get a clean cup.

Add three teaspoons of milo,

add two teaspoons of sugar,

pour in the hot water
Then stir until the milo and sugar dissolves.

Now add in a half of milk in the cup in the cup.
Stir lightly and enjoy.

Milo is best enjoyed on a cold morning.

  • -Lydia
  • Image result for milo

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Earth and father God

Long time ago When the land was flat it
was so dark and nothing could be seen.
There was sky father and earth mother
that were deeply in love.And had lots
children with special jobs.
One day the children tried to separate their mother
and father so they could
have more freedom they had a plan and told
each other what to do but god of winds overheard
and told so they got stronger but the
god of men was stronger and separated
them and that is how we see the light.

Classification of Animals

-Fish are cold blooded.
-Fish live in water.
-Fish has fins not legs.
- Fish breath underwater they take oxygen from water through their gill instead of lungs.
-Fish lay their eggs underwater.
Image result for fish beautiful

-Birds are warm blooded.
-They have beaks
-They have 2 Feet
-And have wings to fly
-Birds lay eggs to make a baby
Image result for bird nz
-We are cold blooded
-we have scales
-they have ear hole instead of ears
-they have dry skin
-they can live in land and in water
-some reptiles can have legs and some don't .
Image result for snake
Image result for crocodile

Image result for tortoise
  • Are cold-blooded
  • Some live on land and some in
  • water
  • Have very soft bodies
  • Some have a shell on the outside
  • of
  • their bodies
  • They have tentacles or a muscular
  • foot to help them move
  • along
  • They lay eggs
-They are cold blooded
-they do not have a backbone
-they hatch from eggs
-they are mainly athropods.
Image result for spider
  • Are cold-blooded
  • They live on land and water
  • They lay eggs
  • they have webbed feet
  • and have moist skinRelated image