
Friday, 22 May 2020

First day at school for wahanga tuarua.

This week on Rāhina I came back to kura I was so excited because I wanted to see my friends,And mostly whaea because these whole 4 weeks I just saw her on a screen, And I just really wanted to see her and awhi whaea which I couldn't. While in class we first did karakia to start the day. Then we did toi which is when you draw someone then write either 5 or more positive thing about the people. Next matua Reddy did a live stream to welcome us back to school and showed us a cool waiata that was about coronavirus. Called the moist zone and at the end of the day we did harakeke and made mini roses.flaxandfibre Instagram posts -
And ended the day with a karakia. Here is a link for the24 Funny carrots girl emoji gifs – Free Chinese Font Download moist zone song.Click here.Kakite e te whanau.

Thursday, 14 May 2020

Dear nana

Kia ora e te whānau and happy mothers day! I hope all of your mothers have a great day, I also hope you made her something  special cause I have, here it is! I have made this doc for a special lady, my nana, she cooks for me, folds my washing and looks after me, and it all started when I was a little hōha baby. She would always cheer me up with her warm hugs and when I'm hōha she even calms me down some time and she always knows when i need space. She always is positive even when I'm not and is always cheeky. When I am mad she gets me water and tells me to have a shower and calm down. You guys might have a mom, nana, aunty or a sister but my nana is like no other.

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

In my bubble.

Kia ora today i will be talking about my bubble, I live with my nana, uncle, aunty, and baby cousin. We all are busy while in this quarantine but we make it work. My aunty is the manager of Vivo in Sylvia park and is practically a professional at it. Then my uncle works for Skills4Work and is a Butchery training Advisor. He is currently calling his students about mahi. We all are doing our mahi at home from our computers. My Nana does the washing and cooks dinner (etc). And as for myself, I do mahi for six hours then go off but i finish mahi of course, my uncle Robert also has a kuri named Sav and is a girl. Technically my uncle is the only guy that lives in this house. And I have a cat named Mischief. She is also a girl. Here is a photo of Sav and Mischief.Mischief. She is also a girl. Here is a photo of Sav and Mischief.   

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

What is a cybersmart learner in Tamaki Primary?

Kia ora e te whanau , and today i have finished my poster for What is a cybersmart learner in Tamaki Primary? And my kaiako told us to make it unique so I made it like those fairytales and they have neat writing so anei te mahi.