
Friday, 22 May 2020

First day at school for wahanga tuarua.

This week on Rāhina I came back to kura I was so excited because I wanted to see my friends,And mostly whaea because these whole 4 weeks I just saw her on a screen, And I just really wanted to see her and awhi whaea which I couldn't. While in class we first did karakia to start the day. Then we did toi which is when you draw someone then write either 5 or more positive thing about the people. Next matua Reddy did a live stream to welcome us back to school and showed us a cool waiata that was about coronavirus. Called the moist zone and at the end of the day we did harakeke and made mini roses.flaxandfibre Instagram posts -
And ended the day with a karakia. Here is a link for the24 Funny carrots girl emoji gifs – Free Chinese Font Download moist zone song.Click here.Kakite e te whanau.

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