
Tuesday 29 August 2017

my stardome writing

Yesterday, all the Year 3s and Year 4s got on a bus to go to the Stardome. On the way we first got very cause we were so worried that we're too late but we weren't we were too early.
There are many moons in the solar system, but none are like Earth’s. Mars has two tiny moons, called Phobos and Deimos. Jupiter has 67 moons, and they’re all different shapes, colours, and sizes. Saturn has 62 moons, and dozens more tiny moonlets amongst its golden rings. But on Earth, we have just one and we simply call it the Moon.

Monday 21 August 2017

lydia writing about The Phases of the Moon

The amount of the moon that you can see from the earth depends on how much of it is lit up by the sun and earth.this amount changes each day.the phases of the moon depends on the position in relation the sun and the moon goes around the earth we see the bright parts of the moon's surface at different angles.these are called phases of the takes 29 days for the moon to orbit around the earth.

Wednesday 16 August 2017

my moon poster

hi and today i drew my moon poster

my writting about frogs and about them.

In the rainy forest there is a slimy green frog going to get its prey. It has big eyes as a cat, and it has two strips on the side of its body.when the frog jumps in the rainy forest it always jumps on trees.when frogs born babies they born thousands of them.To catch its prey it uses its long tongue to catch its prey.

Tuesday 15 August 2017

5 chapter three reading summary.

soon princess grace went on a trip with the other princess she had two friends to be her partner and her names were tilly-de and tilly bo they were twins. they were going to friend ship island on the way they saw the island but they left princess grace o no what will happen to be continued.

Monday 14 August 2017


push this link now and watch now.
Seasons are caused because of the earth changing position with the sun.The earth travels around the sun then orbit once a year. As the earth orbits the sun the amount of the sunlight each place on the planet get’s everyday changes slightly. This change cause the seasons. We divide the year into four seasons spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Each season last 3 months with summer is the warmest seasons winter being the coldest and spring and autumn lying in between the seasons got a lot of impact on what happens on the earth.

Thursday 10 August 2017

problems with time

this week i like to do time and save problems by key by key and i had lots of fun doing this time activity.

Wednesday 9 August 2017

life cycle of netball.

Netball is a sport that was played in the olden days, everyone enjoys playing this sport.  In the olden days they used to call netball women's basketball and now it is called netball. Netball was invented at the USA
and it came popular in the Commonwealth countries. And the man

that made the game and called it this name was James Naismith in 1895.

Wednesday 2 August 2017


A yo yo is an ancient toy that children enjoy playing with.  

It is an ancient toy because people used to play it 1500 years ago in India and Greece. Those people enjoy playing with the yoyo’s because they could do tricks.  There are many tricks you can do like walk the dog, eiffel tower, rock a baby and many more. People mostly use them to play with their friends because it is more fun to play with your friends.                  

Tuesday 1 August 2017

princess in dis-grace #1

soon princess grace went on a trip with the other princess she had two friends to be her partner and her names were tilly-de and tilly bo they were twins. they were going to friend ship island on the way they saw the island but they left princess grace o no what will happen to be continued.